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2021 Virtual Conference Program

We are so excited to share with you all our schedule for the 2021 WVAM Virtual Conference! Of course, we wish we could be meeting in person, but we have some great sessions and presenters lined up for you all!

Click here to hop over to our conference page for more information about our sessions and their presenters. We will be sending sign-up links to those who registered soon! Attend all the sessions, or just the ones you are interested in. As this is a virtual conference, we have reduced this year's tickets to $40 for WVAM members and $60 for non-members. Register today to get access to all of our sessions, including the keynote, the membership meeting, and fun evening social events!

We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting WVAM and this year's virtual conference: The Cultural Foundation of Harrison County, Mills Group LLC, Lucidea, Preservation Alliance of WV, and Southeastern Museums Conference.



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WV Association of Museums

PO Box 4589

Morgantown, WV 26504

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