2025 WV Legislative Session
House Bill 2396
The purpose of this bill is to remove schools, museums, and public libraries from the exemption which protects these types of entities from prosecution for distribution and display to minor of an obscene matter.
Status: Pending in Committee
Senate Bill 452/House Bill 2008
The purpose of this bill is to provide for the reorganization of several departments and divisions of state government as of July 1, 2025. The bill redesignates the department of economic development as a division under the department of commerce, the abolition of the department of arts, culture, and history and the transfer of its sections and commission under the department of tourism, and permits the governor to elect to appoint the Adjutant General as the secretary of the department of homeland security.
Status: Pending in Committee
Status: On 1st reading, Special Calendar (3/3/2025)